
How to wear opal

Published on Mar 25, 2015


OPAL is a beautiful semi precious gemstone and has various astrological and healing properties . It is a gem of beauty, charm, wealth and grace and represents the planet Venus. The unique property that adds to the opal’s sense of mystery and fascination is the stone’s brilliant property of scattering light. The diffraction of light at OPAL’s surface makes it possible for an OPAL stone to create lights of every color from the spectrum when exposed to light from different angles.


Opal as a Substitute

Opal is also worn as a substitute for diamond, however while Diamond is quite a strong stone and may not always show positive effects, in case of opal, the wearer would only experience the positive effects. Opal gemstones are worn as jewelry, in pendants, rings and bracelets and irrespective of a person’s horoscope.

Astrologically, Opal Gemstones with fire are regarded as the most effective.

How to wear an Opal Gemstone?

    1. Opal can be worn as finger rings/pendants made of silver, platinum, gold/white gold or Panchdhatu.
    2. The minimum weight of Opal Stone should be your Body weight divided by 10, e.g., 60 kg body weight implies at least a 6 carat stone , however , the larger the stone size, the better and faster it will start to show effects.
    3. Opal gemstone must be worn on Friday morning of Shukla Paksh (waxing moon) in the middle or ring finger of your right hand.
    4. Before wearing an Opal gemstone, keep it immersed in a bowl having 1 spoon of Curd, Honey, Gangajal, Tulsi leaves and Ghee for 10 minutes. This will activate and cleanse your Opal and remove all its impurities.
    5. After your regular prayers, take the ring out of this mixture and wash it with pure Gangajal.
    6. Recite the Mantra ‘Om Shun Shukraye Namah’ 108 times.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Which finger should I wear Opal Ring?

If venus is inauspicious then we have to wear it on the left hand to decrease its effects. And, if venus is auspoicious, but weak then we have to wear the opal ring on the right hand to increase its strength.

[Click To Know: Opal Stone Properties , Opal Jewelry and Opal October Birthstone]

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Dear Vandana,
Thank you for reaching out to us! We would be glad to help you out. However, in order to suggest the gemstone that best suits you, we would require your full birth details. Therefore, we request you to kindly share your birth date, time, and place so that our expert astrologer can study your birth chart and suggest the perfect gemstone for you. You can also get assistance through our Free Gem Recommendation Tool (https://www.gempundit.com/gemstone-recommendation). Further, you can talk to our expert astrologer. We are sure that you will get the answers to your problems after you talk to our astrologer. 

Book an Astro Consultation session with us here: https://www.gempundit.com/astro-phone-consultation

For any other queries, feel free to contact us at +91 11 4084 4599 or mail us at support@gempundit.com

Warm Regards,
Team GemPundit

Team GemPundit

posted on Apr 05,2022
can libra zodiac sign boys wear opal and diamond together in a silver ring

vandana salian

posted on Apr 05,2022
Dear Divyangini,
Thank you for reaching out to us! We would be glad to help you out. However, in order to suggest the gemstone that best suits you, we would require your full birth details. Therefore, we request you to kindly share your birth date, time, and place so that our expert astrologer can study your birth chart and suggest the perfect gemstone for you. You can also get assistance through our Free Gem Recommendation Tool (https://www.gempundit.com/gemstone-recommendation). Further, you can talk to our expert astrologer. We are sure that you will get the answers to your problems after you talk to our astrologer. 

Book an Astro Consultation session with us here: https://www.gempundit.com/astro-phone-consultation

For any other queries, feel free to contact us at +91 11 4084 4599 or mail us at support@gempundit.com

Warm Regards,
Team GemPundit

Team GemPundit

posted on Feb 23,2022
Can I wear fire opal for venus as my venus is weak in chart . Which finger to wear it on .

Divyangini malik

posted on Feb 18,2022
Dear Venu,
Thank you for reaching out to us! We would be glad to help you out. However, in this case, in order to recommend a gemstone for astrological purposes, we would require your full birth details. Therefore, we request you to kindly provide us with your birth date, time, and place so that our expert astrologer can study your birth-chart and suggest the gemstone that suits you best.
Meanwhile, you can also avail our FREE GEMSTONE RECOMMENDATION service here: https://www.gempundit.com/gemstone-recommendation

You can also talk to our astrologer here: https://www.gempundit.com/astro-phone-consultation

For any other queries, feel free to contact us at +91 11 4084 4599 or mail us at support@gempundit.com

We hope you have a great day ahead,
Warm Regards,
Team GemPundit.

Team GemPundit

posted on Jan 19,2021
Dear Srirupa,
Thank you for reaching out to us! We would be glad to help you out. Our expert astrologer suggests that you need to chant the Shukra mantra with a Rudraksha mala. After the chant and pooja, you can wear the Opal. There is no need for you to hold the Opal while chanting.

For any other queries, feel free to contact us at +91 11 4084 4599 or mail us at support@gempundit.com

Warm Regards,
Team GemPundit.

Team GemPundit

posted on Jan 19,2021
Do we have to hold the opal finger ring with right fingers then chant om Shun Shukraaye Namah 108 times then wear the opal finger ring on middle finger of right hand?

Srirupa som

posted on Dec 11,2020
28 october wich birth stone can i wear topz or opal

Venu gopal

posted on Nov 29,2020


posted on Oct 03,2020
I need

Monya koj

posted on Sep 30,2020
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